Posti has updated its sustainability program. The updated program, Fulfilling Sustainability, forms the basis for all sustainability work within the company. The previous Sustainability Program was valid from 2021 to 2023. In the autumn of 2023, work began on updating the current Sustainability Program, with extensive participation from both external and internal stakeholders.
"Corporate sustainability expectations are constantly growing and companies are expected to play an active role in addressing societal challenges. We wanted to create an even more comprehensive program that combines sustainable growth and ambitious climate work with a caring and inclusive people strategy and a positive impact on society," says Anna Storm, VP Stakeholder Relations and Sustainability.
The new program has a clearer structure than before. Each focus area has its own clear set of indicators with target levels and milestones.
"The new program will help us to further deepen the symbiosis between sustainability work and business and to meet the growing needs of our customers," says Storm. "It will also help us in a rapidly changing regulatory environment."
Themes of the updated program: a caring corporate culture, sustainable growth, and positive impact on society
The sustainability program includes three themes, each with three focus areas. The themes are People, Environment, and Society.
The first theme focuses on professional growth and a caring culture: We want to take care of our people and help them grow. Through the focus areas, we focus on promoting a caring work culture, caring leadership, physical and mental safety and well-being; leading by example in diversity, equality, and inclusion; and promoting professional growth.
The second theme focuses on sustainable growth within our planet’s boundaries: we drive the clean transition of logistics. Through the focus areas, we will mitigate climate change and work to preserve biodiversity; promote the circular economy and increase our sustainable customer offer; and continuously improve our environmental management.
Through the third theme, we strive to create a positive impact on society, while embodying our commitment to sustainable business. Through the focus areas, we will ensure that our sourcing and supply chain is sustainable; strengthen human rights both in our own operations and in our value chain; and create a positive impact on society through strategic partnerships and targeted charitable initiatives.
The Sustainability Program, now published, is valid for the period of 2024–2026. You can see it below.