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Posti’s new Mikkeli terminal starts operations – sustainability a priority


Image: Mikko Kankainen

The new Posti terminal has been completed and commissioned on Timpurinkatu in Tusku, Mikkeli. The terminal employs a total of 100 employees. The items of approximately 150,000 mail recipients in the Mikkeli region will pass through the new terminal. The Mikkeli corporate service point that previously served customers on Ratakatu, as well as the P.O. box and Poste restante services previously available at K-Supermarket Pikantti, will also be transferred to the new Posti terminal (Timpurinkatu 1).

“We centralized all of our operations in the Mikkeli region under the same roof at the new, modern terminal, where energy efficiency and occupational safety are key priorities. We take advantage of new technology. For example, our operations are guided by digital monitors and all loading platforms are equipped with positioning lasers. We plan to significantly increase the number of electric vehicles,” says Hannu Kaihilahti, who is in charge of the transport area of Eastern Finland.

The plot also has its own solar power plant

The terminal has a floor area of approximately 4,300 square meters, and it was constructed with consideration of energy efficiency and sustainability aspects. All of the electricity used at the terminal is fully renewable. The property relies on geothermal energy for heating and high-quality LED technology for lighting. The plot also has its own small solar power plant, and the energy it generates is fully harnessed for the property’s use.

“Work safety has been taken into consideration ever since the planning of the Mikkeli terminal project. The energy-lean building is designed to be cost-effective, avoiding unnecessary square meters and excessive technology – everything aligns with the actual requirements. The materials were selected with a view to ensuring longevity and structural durability. The use of recycled materials was also maximized. For example, 20,000 tons of recycled concrete was used in the construction of the yard structures,” says Jani Mikkonen, Real Estate Manager at Posti.

Drive Arranger Henriikka Korhonen considers it important that the new premises are functional and comfortable.

“The sorting logistics in the new premises is efficient and safe to use, and the employees enjoy working there. At the same time, we’re able to operate in a more environmentally friendly manner. As a collective environmental act, we planted a small meadow for pollinators with our personnel to support local biodiversity,” Henriikka says.

The number of electric vehicles will also be significantly increased in Mikkeli

Posti is committed to reducing its own emissions to zero and achieving fossil-free transport by 2030. One important means to achieve this is the introduction of fossil-free vehicles, such as electric and gas cars and light electric vehicles. Posti’s fleet already includes more than 30 LBG biogas trucks, 14 compressed biogas (CBG) trucks, 10 electric trucks and about 300 electric vans.

The number of electric vehicles will also be significantly increased in Mikkeli. By the end of the year, one biogas truck, 10 electric cars, 2 electric freight scooters and 17 electric carts will be in use in the Mikkeli region.

“According to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), every company should at least halve its emissions by the end of this decade and reach net zero by 2050. Posti has committed itself to net zero by as early as 2040. In order for such long-term climate targets to be feasible, we also need interim targets. That is why we aim to transport everything with our partners fossil-free by 2030. In 2030, we want the customer to be able to choose Posti, knowing that we don’t use fossil fuels,” says Anna Heino, Head of Climate and Nature at Posti.