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Graffiti artist EGS has completed his piece Liekki (Flame) on the wall of Posti’s newest terminal


One of the walls of Posti’s freight terminal in Viinikkala, Vantaa, now features EGS’smost recent mural.

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The graffiti, which depicts an orange flame, represents the Posti employee spirit, as well as our enthusiasm and will to serve our customers and work together. 

“Posti’s service culture is about everyday acts, both small and large, which combined affect how we as Posti employees feel about our work and what kind of service experience we can offer to our customers. By being genuinely present and working together in a transparent and reliable manner we can ensure that the orange flame  burns stronger and  customers notice it, too. A passion for what we do is an asset that can bring us success even as competition becomes more intense,” says Noomi Jägerhorn, Head of Sustainability at Posti. 

Art to spice up everyday life 

The Liekki graffiti is located on the main entrance side of the terminal, offering inspiration to the daily life of both Posti employees and customers. 

“For me, a flame represents passion and enthusiasm. Whatever I do, my flame is burning at full brightness,” says graffiti artist EGS. 

The freight terminal operates around the clock, six days per week, and it makes use of cutting edge technology and digital solutions. Posti has invested more than EUR 30 million in the terminal with the objective of achieving growth and cost-efficiency in its logistics services. 

“Some 300 articulated vehicles visit the terminal every day, and we handle around 5,700 pallets of freight shipments on a daily basis. We value each shipment, and we want our customers to receive high-quality service. Digital freight control makes the shipment processing inside the terminal faster. Together, we can ensure that the shipments arrive at the right place at the right time,” says freight terminal manager Jari Aho. 

Graffiti  also works on stamps 

Posti has granted the stamp art promotion award  for 2018 to graffiti artist EGS. The award includes a EUR 10,000 cash prize and a stamp publication of the artist’s work. Posti aims  to increase the respect and status of art and stamps with this unique award that is now granted for the second time. EGS is an interesting artist whose work with graffiti breaks down the barriers of traditional art.  

Posti will publish the stamps with EGS’s work on September 12, and they will presumably be the world’s first stamps including real graffiti. 

EGS is one of the internationally best known graffiti artists in Finland. EGS’s art career started after the mid 1980s in Helsinki, inspired by the first wave of graffiti in Finland. Nowadays, EGS’s graffiti can be found in more than 50 countries around the world.During the past few years, EGS has extended his artistic expression towards more traditional art forms,  such as paintings, sculptures and installations. EGS’s work is also on display at Helsinki Art Museum (HAM) in the graffiti exhibition, which is open to the public until September 9.