Cost-cutting program proceeds: Itella launching statutory labor negotiations in administrative functions in Finland


The implementation of the cost-cutting program announced by Itella in August continues in Finland.  Next week, Itella Group will launch statutory labor negotiations that mainly concern administrative personnel. It has been initially estimated that the necessary reduction will be up to approximately 430 person-years.

The final reduction need will be ascertained once the negotiations have been completed. It is estimated that this will be at the latest at the end of October or the beginning of November. The personnel reductions will be implemented by adhering to best HR practices and by using an extensive range of methods (e.g., pension solutions, voluntary arrangements). Itella and the Finnish Post and Logistics Union (PAU) have signed a new change security agreement that is better than the statutory change security.

The statutory labor negotiations concern employees in administrative positions, such as employees working at headquarters and in planning, sales and marketing, IT administration and HR administration. Most of the positions are located in the capital region. All in all, Itella employs around 22,000 employees in Finland.

The statutory labor negotiations do not concern mail delivery or sorting. No direct impact that is visible to customers is expected.


The background

In August, Itella announced a three-year cost-cutting program in excess of MEUR 100. The goal is to help Itella tackle the major transition in the sector: digital communication means that the amount of home-delivered mail is rapidly decreasing. Itella's organization must adjust to changes in the demand.  The need to improve efficiency also concerns Itella's administrative functions subject to the statutory labor negotiation process.  This also involves development needs related to the development of Itella Information.


Additional information:

Via Itella MediaDesk, phone 020 452 3366.