Itella Information Logistics and BasWare Einvoices agree on international electronic invoice service


Two notable European electronic invoice service providers, Itella Information Logistics Oy and Basware Einvoices Ltd, will expand their cooperation internationally. This agreement will enable Itella and BasWare customers to send and receive electronic invoices across borders.

Itella’s customer base for its electronic invoice service consists mainly of large corporations that send invoices.
Software vendor BasWare Oyj is a market leader in providing purchase invoice handling systems. Its subsidiary, BasWare Einvoices Ltd, acts as an operator and has a key role in delivering electronic purchase invoices.

Electronic invoicing is experiencing strong growth in Northern Europe. Both Itella and BasWare have a strong presence in the Northern European markets. In Finland, up to one third of invoicing in large corporations is handled in electronic format. It is estimated that about 10 % of all btob invoices are electronic.

- Manual processes are expensive and time consuming, and switching from paper to electronic invoicing has indisputable benefits. Electronic invoicing is at its most useful when invoices are both sent and received in electronic format. Few companies are aware of just how beneficial electronic invoicing can be in financial terms. We would also like to see this issue discussed at national level, says Basware Einvoices Ltd Managing Director, Petri Karjalainen.

Many companies that send and receive invoices are already advanced in their electronic services. In large organisations even one third of invoices are electronic.

Itella’s and BasWare’s services actively support the switch from paper to electronic format. Itella is developing a service where customer’s paper invoice would automatically be replaced with electronic invoice if that is possible between sender and receiver.

- Good cooperation between various operators is important nationally and internationally, so that electronic invoicing can reach all users. Large corporations want to use unified solutions in all market areas and we aim to meet this need by forming effective partnerships, says Managing Director, Vuokko Skyttä, of Itella Information Logistics Oy.

For further information, please contact:
Managing Director Vuokko Skyttä, Itella Information Logistics Oy, tel . +358 40 501 8675.
Managing Director Petri Karjalainen, BasWare Einvoices Ltd, tel. +358 40 741 6041.